Back to school: tips for families of children in kindergarten and after school daycare – after school care

Jul 29, 2022 | after school care, after school daycare Edmonton, kindergarten St. Albert, tips

It’s hard to believe September is almost here! If your child is the right age for kindergarten in St. Albert or Edmonton, or perhaps they are returning to school and will be in an after-school daycare, then now’s the time to start your preparations!

This article delves into back-to-school prep and how the bambini day care near you can be part of your preparations!!



Most likely, you’ve received a list of school supplies for your child. Check flyers for stores in your area to find the best deals on stationery. The deals at this time of year are phenomenal – so consider stocking up on frequently used supplies, especially if you find a great price on something.

Our bambini St. Albert daycare is located in close proximity to various stores that have great deals on school supplies. Perhaps before picking up your child, stop into the nearby Costco, Staples, or Walmart to purchase all of your child’s back-to-school essentials. Or maybe you can involve your child in the process and make a date of it by going shopping together!



Whether you use a digital or a paper calendar, take some time to write in all the early dismissals, school PD Days, closure dates, etc. on your calendar. By taking a few minutes to do this at the beginning of the school year, you’ll be more organized once school is in full swing.



Before the school year begins, make a plan for what your child will be eating for lunches. It’s helpful to brainstorm a list of lunch ideas that your child would enjoy. Here are some ideas for the main lunch:

  • Charcuterie (crackers, cheese, meat, pickles)
  • Sandwiches
  • Assorted veggies, crackers, and hummus
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Veggie wraps
  • Pizza (cold pizza can feel like a real treat)
  • Bagel and cream cheese
  • Whole grain tortilla chips and guacamole

Of course, if your child is attending one of our before and after kindergarten daycare programs in St. Albert or Edmonton, a healthy and nutritious lunch, as well as snacks, are included in your KinderCare fees.



Children operate best when they have a routine and a schedule. In a couple of weeks leading up to their first day in school, it’s helpful to practice routines with them.

Perhaps you can move those late summer bedtimes up a bit? Or set the alarm for earlier wake-ups? Maybe you can practice making lunches with your child?

Our Edmonton and St. Albert daycare centres provide transportation to and from select schools. We recommend that if your child is attending a bambini daycare near you, then schedule some time for your child to practice the pick-up and drop-off process with our bambini professional team.

Bambini’s commitment to quality child care is reflected in our process of helping new families and children adjust to our child care programs. If your child is new to our afterschool care or KinderCare programs, we offer a few transition visits for you and your child prior to their start date! This is yet another wonderful opportunity for you and your child to practice those routines.

Kindergarten St. Albert


If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to secure your child’s afterschool care and kindergarten arrangements. Whether you’re looking for child care in Edmonton or St. Albert, bambini may have afterschool care near you!

Our Reggio-inspired kindergarten care and after school care programs are high-quality and deliver services that today’s families need. Founded in 2004, the bambini Learning Group is a government-approved family day care in St. Albert and Edmonton. Our childcare facilities offer high-quality services for children aged 12 months to 12 years.

Bambini’s locations are beautiful spaces that feature warm tones and textures. The children’s areas are designed for age-appropriate activities, with sinks and toilets designed to be child-friendly. You’ll also appreciate the open-concept and glass spaces. Custom-built toys are available for your child to play with. Our facilities are reminiscent of nature, with custom-designed toys throughout.

Bambini’s dedicated staff provides personalized care to every child, which is evident in the quality of the programs offered and the daily smiles! If you’re wondering why bambini is the best daycare near you, we invite you to book a tour with one of our exceptional bambini experts! You’ll quickly see what sets bambini apart from any other child care program!

Bambini Learning Group is a Reggio-inspired, holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic, and supportive resources, bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations coming soon! Contact bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at [email protected], or book a tour to see bambini for yourself!

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