by Jennifer Bly | Oct 31, 2022 | after school care, after school daycare Edmonton
Do you struggle to get your school-aged child to talk about their day? “How was your day at school?” This common question asked by parents is often met with the same response… the dreaded one-word answer of “Good” or “Okay”. You likely want to have open communication...
by Jennifer Bly | Aug 30, 2022 | after school care, tips
Fall is an exciting time of year. But it can also be stressful and overwhelming. Families cite one of their greatest struggles during back-to-school season is getting their children out the door on busy school mornings without a fuss or a fight. This article will...
by Jennifer Bly | Jul 29, 2022 | after school care, after school daycare Edmonton, kindergarten St. Albert, tips
It’s hard to believe September is almost here! If your child is the right age for kindergarten in St. Albert or Edmonton, or perhaps they are returning to school and will be in an after-school daycare, then now’s the time to start your preparations! This article...