by Jennifer Bly | May 21, 2021 | Day care Edmonton, family resources
THE TOP 10 THINGS PARENTS SHOULD LOOK FOR IN A CHILD CARE CENTRE There are many factors that make for a fabulous child care centre. Here are the top ten things parents should specifically look for when choosing a high-quality daycare for their child. THE...
by Fabiana Gunschnigg | Apr 7, 2021 | family resources, tips
Of all the developmental milestones that children experience in the early years, learning how to use the toilet often causes parents the highest levels of anxiety. Not surprisingly, the theories, resources, and ‘training methods’ about this topic, to which parents are...
by Jennifer Bly | Oct 20, 2020 | family resources, news and events
Bambini is a one-of-a-kind program. While there are many reasons why families choose bambini Learning Group as their child’s early education program, here are the top ten! THE TOP 10 REASONS PARENTS CHOOSE BAMBINI LEARNING GROUP 1. Purpose-built,...
by Fabiana Gunschnigg | Nov 4, 2019 | family resources, health and safety
What do you think of when you hear the word holistic? This article explores the topic of holistic living and gives examples of how families can live more holistically. WHAT DOES HOLISTIC MEAN? Holistic is a buzz word. We’re hearing about it more often but what does...
by Jennifer Bly | Oct 29, 2019 | family resources
Countless research has revealed that reading to children is important. As a quality early learning program, reading and literacy is an essential component of our schedule. But how do busy families include reading in their daily routine? This article offers several...
by Jennifer Bly | Sep 21, 2019 | creativity and play, family resources
Autumn. The leaves are turning colours and the air is crisp. There is much to enjoy in this lovely season. Before the snow hits the ground, here are some fun autumn activities to enjoy with your family! GO FOR A FAMILY WALK Explore the nature trails in your...