At the beginning of 2020 we would have never envisioned our centre facing the challenges of running an early education program in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Yet here we are.

Our Bambini family wants to share our approach to protecting the health of every child, family, and educator in our program.

This article highlights some of the precautionary measures we’ve taken in response to COVID-19, as well as illustrates some of the ways in which we are maintaining our Reggio-inspired philosophy while protecting your child’s health.

At Bambini, the safety and well being of our children, families, and educators is of the utmost importance. In these uncertain times, we are diligently following the requirements set forth by Alberta Health Services (AHS).

We are going above and beyond to make our program a healthy and safe environment.

AHS recognizes that childcare programs play an important role in society. We provide quality care for children so that community members can earn a living and support their families.

We are happy to help provide this service, while protecting everyone’s health and safety with the following measures.

Please note that these protocols will always align with AHS. Therefore, what’s outlined in this article will change as the health standards change. At the end of this article we will indicate when edits are made due to shifting health standards.



Parents must check their child’s temperature prior to entering the program. A staff member will be required to review temperatures of children with a parent present using the guidelines provided by Alberta Health. Please see the attached poster for reference.

Please use the hand sanitizer provided prior to checking in.

Any staff, child or parent must not enter the building if they are sick (even if symptoms resemble a mild cold) if child develops symptoms while in the program, parents will be notified and will be required to pick up the child immediately.

A sick child will be isolated with another staff in the office until picked up. We will also ask parents to take home the child’s belongings to be cleaned and sanitized thoroughly while staff does the same at the centre.

Handwashing will be practiced frequently, and we ask all parents to wash their hands using the designated classroom upon entering. Please also use the hand sanitizer located in the foyer as a precaution. Here are the AHS recommendations on how to apply hand sanitizer.

Regular handwashing will be practiced with the children as alcohol-based hand sanitizer is not recommended for use in childcare.



We ask parents to remove their shoes and their child’s shoes prior to entering the facility.

Parents will be required to take home their children’s belongings every day to be cleaned thoroughly and sanitized when possible. Only water bottles, children’s shoes, and emergency medication is permitted to remain in the centre overnight.

Toys from home (this includes comfort items) are not allowed in the program.

Outside items from home are not allowed in the program (i.e. iPad, tablets, laptops, homework, books, etc.). If we see items from home have been brought in, we will place them in the office for pick up or we will ask parents to take it home if they are able to.

We ask parents to pack ONLY what their child needs for sleeping (if the child still requires a nap) such as a blanket, pillow, sleep sack, etc.

The centre undergoes a thorough cleaning every day. Requirements outlined by the childcare health regulations are followed meticulously for proper cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.



Parents will be required to provide food for their child while in care with us. Reminder: We are a NUT FREE facility.

We ask parents to pack everything their child will require for the day (i.e. utensils, cups, etc.) and these items will need to be taken home every night.

We ask parents to place their child’s lunchboxes on the designated shelves and a staff will refrigerate/warm children’s lunches accordingly.

Our program will not be providing lunch or morning snack during this time and we will be discouraging family style, common food items (snack bowls), etc. Please note this is not permanent. We will add morning snacks and lunches back into the program once we are able to do so.

We will provide an afternoon snack which is individually packaged / served to children.



As of March 25, Albertans are legally required under public health order to isolate for 14 days if they recently returned from international travel or were in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.

Our facility will be closed to all visitors and family members who have not received confirmation from a member of the management team. Only immediate family members and staff will be provided access into the facility.

Staff will sign children in and out upon parent’s arrival and departure. Anybody else besides the children’s usual pick up/drop off person will be asked to use the tablet located in the foyer in the event there is an outbreak and we would be able to let everyone who had visited know (i.e. grandparents, aunt, uncle, etc.)

If possible, please have a designated parent/guardian doing drop off and pick up



Maximum capacity in a room is 30 people (staff and children combined).

Only one family is allowed to be present in the foyer at a time. This is to ensure proper social distancing. Please wait outside if a family is the foyer.

Social distancing should occur when possible. We understand younger children will not understand fully; however, we will practice social distancing to the best we can with the children, and we encourage families to do so as well.

If you need to move between the daycare program and out of school care program, staff, children, and parents may only access the program through the front entrance to ensure temperature checks and hand sanitizing are being documented. There will be no access between programs within the building. Please ensure you enter the building a family at a time in order to respect social distancing.



Bambini is a Reggio-inspired program. COVID-19 has impacted the ways in which we incorporate the Reggio philosophy into our centre. Here are some of the ways we provide a Reggio-inspired atmosphere.

Each child is still respected as an individual. We still provide multiple ways for children to express their creativity.

Though we are in a time of safe distancing, we foster relationships with children and families through open, clear, and gentle communication.

We look for opportunities for the children to spend time outside and in nature. This includes nature walks and gardening activities.

We have scaled back the quantity and types of natural items we use in our program rooms. While we still have some natural materials available for play, the items we use are the ones that can be sanitized the most thoroughly.

Sensory experiences are still provided but children have their own sensory item containers (sensory materials like play dough are not shared between the children).

We still take great pride in providing an environment that is aesthetically appealing to children and families.

We hope this has clarified the actions we’re taking to provide a healthy and safe environment for your family. However, if you have any further questions, we invite you to reach out to our management team: [email protected]m or 780-481-3359.

Effective: June 22, 2020

For more information:
Complete COVID-19 information for Albertans
Updates from the Chief Medical Officer
Alberta Government Child Care During COVID-19



Bambini Learning Group is a Reggio-inspired, holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic, and supportive resources, Bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations coming soon! Contact Bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at [email protected], or book a tour to see Bambini for yourself!



JENNIFER BLY is the Communications Consultant for Bambini Learning Group, a published author, and creator of The Deliberate Mom, a website full of parenting and homemaking inspiration. Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in the Early Childhood field. In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Applied Human Service Administration Degree with a specialization in Early Learning in Child Care.