Fun Activities for Families to Do Outside During the Winter

Dec 11, 2018 | family resources

Winter. It seems to drag on, doesn’t it?

Regardless of what our feelings are about the colder temperatures and snow, it’s important we take the opportunity to enjoy winter with our children.

Current research confirms the importance of getting outdoors. Fresh air and physical activity is essential for healthy minds and bodies… this is especially critical for children.

At bambini, we make sure to take the children outside regularly. We see, first-hand, the positive effects fresh air has on children’s energy levels and behaviour. That’s why we’ve taken the time to compose a list of outside activities you can do with your child during the winter months.



Explore the nature trails in your area. Wooded areas are so beautiful in the winter and there are many sights to behold.



Compose a list of items your child has to find while they’re outside. Have them check off each item as they find it. (i.e. a bird, a pine cone, animal tracks, etc.)



Research some of the best hills in the area. Choose a good one and go sledding!

If your area doesn’t have a hill that appeals to you, maybe check out one of these well known sledding hills in Edmonton.



One of the benefits of shorter days, is it’s easier to stargaze. Early sunsets means young children don’t have to stay up late in order to admire the stars and moon. Bundle up, head out after sunset, and enjoy the beauty of the winter sky.



When was the last time you made a snow person? Maybe you could construct a whole family of snow people!



One of the awesome benefits of belonging to your community league in Edmonton, is you get free skate tags for your family! Strap on some skates and get on the ice!



Almost any child LOVES a snow fort. Even if the “walls” of the fort are only a few centimetres high, it can feel like an imaginary castle for a young child.



Fill up some empty dish soap bottles with coloured water and paint the snow outside your home.



Head out with a camera and take pictures of trees, wildlife, and each other. Enjoy the beauty and simplicity of a snowy white backdrop.



The stillness of winter makes it easier to watch the activity of all the winter creatures in your neighbourhood. Head out and watch for squirrels, birds, and rabbits. See how many you can spot while you’re outside!



Shoveling sidewalks may seem like a chore, but it’s a fulfilling activity if you’re doing it for a neighbour or someone who’s less mobile.



Pack a thermos of hot cocoa, some sandwiches, cookies, and a blanket. Find a scenic spot and enjoy a winter picnic.

So there you have it… 12 fun activities to enjoy outside with your children this winter! Which will you do?




Bambini Learning Group is a Reggio-inspired, holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic, and supportive resources, bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations coming soon! Contact bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at [email protected], or book a tour to see bambini for yourself!

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