How Families Can Embrace Holistic Living

Nov 4, 2019 | family resources, health and safety

What do you think of when you hear the word holistic? This article explores the topic of holistic living and gives examples of how families can live more holistically.



Holistic is a buzz word. We’re hearing about it more often but what does it mean for children?

Holistic in its traditional sense means all parts contributing to the whole. But it also means starting with the self, pursuing your own values and beliefs. Holistic living involves looking deeper into what you want out of life and what will make you your best self spiritually, mentally, and physically.



Each child is made up of different parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. If a child has an imbalance in one area of their life (physical, emotional, or spiritual), it can negatively affect their health.

A holistic approach includes recognizing, identifying, teaching, supporting, encouraging, counselling, and including children in their development.

When children are given the autonomy to communicate their needs to a holistic health practitioner or to a loved one, it can greatly improve their overall health and well-being.



Being holistic with your child is easier than it may seem! You can choose a couple of these suggestions to try with your child:

Cook healthy meals for your child that are clean and natural. Teach your child that vegetables and fruit are important for them to grow into healthy adults.

Have a bedtime routine so your child can go to bed early and receive 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

Schedule play dates for your children. Being social is an important part of being human.

Help your child to understand that stress is normal. You can even teach them some ways to cope with and manage their stress.

Limit television and go outside instead – nature does wonders for the body.

Slowing down and practicing mindfulness is essential for children’s mental and emotional health.



If your child is acting out, becoming highly emotional, or you notice a change in their day-to-day behavior, you can sit down with them and ask what is going on.

Try to not make them feel guilty for expressing their emotions. Children process their feelings in many different ways, this is a normal part of being a child.

Always remember, you are not alone. Seek help if you need it.



If a child is experiencing stress, anxiety, ADHD, fears, peer pressures, or other challenging life situations you may want to seek treatment for your child. A holistic practitioner or counsellor will work with you and your child to find a natural solution to what they are experiencing.



The holistic practitioner or counsellor can assist your child with other lifestyle changes to help them feel happier. Each child is viewed as a whole person, with a body, mind, and spirit, rather than just viewed as their diagnosis.



Bambini is 100% Reggio-inspired. We see children and families through a holistic lens, considering body, mind and spirit. Our aim is to develop confident, self-motivated, and resourceful life-long learners who have the ability and resilience to respond positively to the most adverse challenges in life.

We nurture young people to care about the people around them, and to become citizens who are willing and committed to make a positive contribution to society.



Bambini Learning Group is a Reggio-inspired, holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic, and supportive resources, bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations coming soon! Contact bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at [email protected], or book a tour to see bambini for yourself!

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