What is a Pedagogista and Why Does Bambini Have Them?

Feb 23, 2024 | reggio-inspired

If you’ve visited a bambini program, you’ve probably heard of the centre’s “Pedagogista” but maybe you weren’t entirely clear on what is meant by this job title. As a Reggio-inspired child care centre, bambini is extremely committed to the environment and the programming that takes place in our centres. The Pedagogista role, in particular, is integral to these particular areas.

This article defines what a Pedagogista is, the tasks they perform, and why their role is so critical to our bambini programs.Our daycare and afterschool care takes great pride in how we encourage children to explore and investigate their environments. Our educators support children’s unique languages of expression and learning by giving ample opportunities for children to expand their knowledge.

One of the ways we foster an inquisitive nature in children is through our thoughtful environments and the intentional programs we implement in our child care centres. The pedagogista is responsible to monitor and ensure that this is taking place.


The pedagogista stems from Reggio Emilia, Italy. They are a teacher who is devoted to thinking about the pedagogical possibilities in their classrooms and/or centres. 


The pedagogista’s role is critical and has many facets to it. Their daily practice involves reflection and thinking about approaches to “teaching” or as we like to call it… facilitating learning. 

The pedagogista’s position involves the following:

  • monitoring the environment to make sure it is aesthetically appealing; they ensure it’s sparking curiosity and wonder in children and the community members who enter our spaces;
  • observation, reflection on practices, and offering new perspectives to educators; 
  • asking guiding questions of the educators to get them to think about their rooms, the children, and the activities and provocations they set out for the children;
  • coaching, role modeling, and guiding the program’s early childhood educators;
  • ensuring that documentation of children’s exploration and learning is clear and consistent;
  • seeking out resources to help educators and families in their caregiving journey;
  • arranging for additional training and support for educators;
  • planning events for families and the community.


Child care centres usually have a similar structure. There’s a director and perhaps an assistant director and then the educators who are usually spread out among the rooms in the program. While some programs may have room leads, other programs, like bambini , may favour a team-centred structure where the educators in the room share responsibilities equally. 

At bambini , we’ve chosen to outsource a lot of the director’s administrative work. This means that an assistant director isn’t needed. However, the children’s activities, our program, and the environment are so central to bambini that we decided to dedicate an entire person to this role… the pedagogista.

Families can access the director when they have questions about anything administrative, but the pedagogista is their go-to person for any program-specific inquiries.


To conclude, the role of the pedagogista is critical to differentiating bambini from other child care centres. Their focus on the program, activities, documentation, and the environment helps to create a unique child care experience for children, educators, and families.

The next time you’re in a bambini centre, we encourage you to speak with our amazing centre pedagogistas. They would be delighted to speak more about their role with you!


Bambini Learning Group is a holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic, and supportive resources, bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations coming soon! Contact bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at [email protected], or book a tour to see bambini for yourself!

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