Drop-In Daycare in ST. ALBERT

Located in St. Albert, Alberta, the Bambini Learning Group’s reputable childcare centre is a great place to drop the kids off. Our daycare in St. Albert is decorated with soothing neutral colours with large, bright, and modern program rooms. The staff at our St. Albert daycare are specially trained to provide an engaging and educational experience for your children.

Daycare Edmonton

Reggio-Inspired Child Care in Edmonton

Our drop-in daycare in West Edmonton provides in-depth, Reggio-inspired educational programming, spanning the gamut from twelve months old to five years old and provides school-aged childcare for those requiring part-time before/after-school care.

In a nutshell, the Bambini Learning Group is an early childhood education and enrichment company that has been around for a while. Founded by Teresa Anselmo over 25 years ago, Bambini continues to grow in what it offers to its families. Wherever a Bambini is planted, the community around it will thrive! 

With numerous childcare centres near you in Edmonton, we employ a team of dedicated, motivated and passionate educational professionals across our locations—get in touch today if you’re looking for an Edmonton daycare near you. 


Part-Time Daycare & After-School Care Near You

We also offer a host of other services for child care in Edmonton, including part-time toddler, preschool and kindergarten care. Bambini believes all families should have access to quality early childhood programs. Parents trust our compassionate, energetic team to provide high-quality early learning and care. Contact Bambini today for the best daycare near you! 


Daycare Near You in Edmonton

The Bambini Learning Group offers a well-rounded early education and enrichment experience and is an excellent choice for any parent. The company’s programs are based on proven best practices and have been designed to maximize the growth of each child. 

Our child care service promotes healthy brain development and self-learning for a well-rounded child development program— Bambini is bringing back the joys of childhood!

Bambini Learning Group is a leading provider of child care solutions, with a quality daycare near you in the West Edmonton region. The most impressive aspect of the Bambini Learning Group is that the staff is highly engaged and motivated to provide the highest quality care for each child. Call today at  780-540-9333 to learn more!