Kindergarten Care
before and after school care for kindergarteners (4.5 – 6 years)
Kindergarteners are beginning their school careers. bambini further develops the kindergartener’s interests while encouraging their social and emotional wellness. With an emphasis on expressing oneself, the bambini educators provide ample opportunities for kindergarten-age children to represent their learning through various means. Painting, clay, movement, song, play, construction, spoken word, etc. are some of the means by which a child demonstrates their understanding of the world.
A glimpse of a kindergartener’s day at Bambini
The kindergarten child follows a routine like all the other programs at bambini. Their schedule consists of free play, meal times, outside times, quiet times, and more.
The children engage in meaningful projects throughout their days. Bambini’s aesthetically appealing environment provides a great space for children to relax, connect, and explore. In addition, bambini educators also continue their work of promoting healthy, holistic practices. Discussions and experiences regarding good nutrition and the opportunity to connect with nature enhance children’s understanding of healthy lifestyle choices.
The project approach to learning is commonly used in the Kindercare program. Projects are sparked by the children’s passions and interests. Educators promote, scaffold, and document learning throughout the project process. Projects can last days, weeks, or months and multiple projects can be happening simultaneously in the Kindercare program.
yoga and mindfulness
Yoga and mindfulness is embedded into the daily program. Children learn to appreciate and enjoy yoga and mindfulness practices as helpful tools to support their well-being.
Relationships continue to be an important part of the bambini experience in the Kindercare program. Children develop positive, responsive, and respectful relationships with educators and peers. They learn about their own and others’ emotions and how to respond to these in constructive ways.
contact us for more information
For more information about our Kindercare programs in St. Albert and Edmonton, or to find a suitable location for your child, call today at 780-540-9333.