The Children at Bambini Have Another Teacher… Nature

Feb 1, 2022 | early learning

Bambini Learning Group prides itself in providing beautiful environments for the children and families in their centres.

It’s apparent when someone enters a bambini program that we draw on nature for inspiration in our spaces. Wood, stone, plants, and natural light – all of these elements are intentionally placed inside our programs.

This is because the children at bambini have another teacher… nature.

Richard Louv once said, “When children play in natural spaces, they’re far more likely to invent their own games than in more structured settings – a key factor in becoming self-directed and inventive adults later in life.”


Nature, in itself, is a beautiful juxtaposition:

– Nature can both calm and stimulate the human mind.

– Nature provokes questions but also provides answers.

– Nature provides a glimpse into new life but also into death.

– Nature can be quiet but can also be loud.

– Nature gives the mind rest but also rejuvenates the body.

Children are “not just playing in nature, they are: Learning, creating, sensing, believing, relaxing, exploring, observing, wondering, connecting, discovering, appreciating, understanding, experimenting…” Penny Whitehouse.

Children need ample opportunities to be outside and learn from the natural world. The learning is subtle but incredibly deep.

The nuance of the morning shadow of a tree to the afternoon shadow of a tree is an example of a simple observation made by a 3-year-old.

Gathering, comparing, and sorting fallen leaves becomes an impromptu math and science lesson.

Planting seeds in a garden, watering, weeding, and harvesting provide children with an opportunity to connect to the food that they eat.

Freshly fallen snow gives children an opportunity to explore footprints and tracks of different animals. For instance, a rabbit’s footprints through the play yard give a glimpse into animal patterns and present the children with an opportunity to create hypotheses or compose stories about where the rabbit might be going and what it might be doing.


The rhythms of weather, time of day, temperature, seasons… all of these can be observed and experienced through nature.

At bambini , we are committed to providing children with ample time outdoors as each program room strives to be outside one-two times daily. We do this by visiting our outdoor play yard, going on community walks, exploring local natural spaces, and taking regular nature walks.

We also allow the children the opportunity to bring nature indoors. Pockets are filled with fallen leaves, collected stones, and twigs; and these collections are used in play or displayed by the children in meaningful ways.

Whether through outdoor experiences or natural materials brought indoors, our bambini educators are masterful at including nature in our programs. They know the power of nature as a teacher and allow the children to freely explore the natural world and support them in their explorations. It’s through these explorations that children get an opportunity to observe, connect with, and investigate the world around them.

If you would like to learn more about how bambini uses nature in our programs, we invite you to book a tour with one of our exceptional bambini experts.


Bambini Learning Group is a Reggio-inspired, holistic child care program located in Edmonton, Alberta. Their vision is to inspire families to live healthier, more meaningful lives. Through innovative, holistic, and supportive resources, bambini is helping children live the authentic childhood they deserve. New locations coming soon! Contact bambini for more information about their unique, holistic child care program at [email protected], or book a tour to see bambini for yourself!

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