Summer Care

Enriching Summer Adventures (Kindergarten to Grade 6)

bambini offers summer care for Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 6 children. During summer, children get to experience the best of childhood at bambini. The program offers the opportunity for children to take charge of their own learning journey by paying attention to their mind’s wonderings and following its lead.

A glimpse of summer care at Bambini

Summer care at bambini includes times of eating, free play, outside time, creative opportunities, and more! Summer at bambini is rich with opportunities to experience the joys of childhood. The educators plan meaningful experiences for the children in the program. Their goal is to support children as investigators of the world; developing, testing, and experimenting with their many working theories. These experiences happen within the facility, as well as out in the community through many field trips, nature walks, and expert visitors.


The project approach to learning is commonly used in the summer care program. Projects are sparked by the children’s passions and interests. Educators promote, scaffold, and document learning throughout the project process. Projects can last days or weeks and multiple projects can be happening simultaneously in the summer care program.


Relationships continue to be an important part of the bambini experience in the summer program. Children develop positive, responsive, and respectful relationships with educators and peers. They learn about their own and others’ emotions and how to respond to these in constructive ways.

yoga and mindfulness

Yoga and mindfulness are embedded into the summer program. Children learn to appreciate and enjoy yoga and mindfulness practices as helpful tools to support their well-being. As they experience and grow confident in utilizing these wellness strategies, children are empowered to make these tools their own in order to improve their life, learning, and development.

contact us for more information

For more information about our summer care programs in St. Albert and Edmonton, or to find a suitable location for your child, call today at 780-540-9333.